New Year, New Goals

1 01 2012

Happy New Year! mine was pretty quiet, being stuck at work until 2 a.m. and all. Today was a quiet day, thinking about the last year and thinking about goals for this new year. I don’t really make resolutions. These are just things I want to accomplish over the course of the year. I figured posting them somewhere public would keep me somewhat accountable to them. Here’s hoping that works. =)

Goals as a writer: 

  1. Do Second Draft and expansion of Homecoming for submission to publisher
  2. Submit Bait to Rebel Ink.
  3. Finish Divergence and get that particular monkey off my back.
  4. Write 5000 words a week of fiction.
  5. Write at least one blog post a week and cross post it to Google plus.

Goals IRL: 

  1. Keep up 4.0 GPA in coursework for Technical Writing.
  2. Get house up for sale in Spring.
  3. Continue paying down debt and get all paid off by end of 2012.
  4. Continue growing clientele for iPad/Mac sessions.

And in case you’re wondering, this does’t count as the blog post for the week. I’m going to start weeks on Monday.

So, here are my goals. Good Luck with yours, if you’ve made any.